Ten Questions for Little Buddha

Little Buddha

Little Buddha

1) Who are you, who is in the band, who does what in the studio and on stage?

We are Little Buddha.  Kat McDonald writes the words and vocalises; Grant Tyrie plays all basses, does the programming and arrangement; Gus Black plays all keyboards and analogue synths.  Until recently, Ian Anderson played drums but he recently left the band.  Now we used programmed drum tracks.

2) How long have you been writing and performing in this way?

We’ve been together for 3 years.

3) Your (current) style is predominantly electronic, isn’t it?  How exactly do you work / write / record?  Have you ever done it any other way?  If so, how did you do it before and why did you chose this method for your current music…?

There IS a strong electronic element to Little Buddha’s music, however, we are predominantly bass-led.  Bass is our lead instrument, be it bass guitar, double bass or Moog (or all of the above!).  We have always had this arrangement.  It’s unusual, yes.  Most songs are written with merely bass and vocals, or piano and vocals and built up from there.

4) How do you feel your studio/recording style informs the way you perform your music live?  Does it make it easier or harder, better etc…?

Because we use a lot of samples and backing tracks, recording is always done using a click track.  We then arrange backing tracks to sit around what can (or is preferred to) be played live. We have always worked this way, and it works well for us.  However, we try not to let this constrain our live performances.  Sometimes, we do a stripped back arrangement of a song – just bass and vocals, or bass, vocals and airy pad sounds –  depending on the mood of the show.

5) What’s been happening lately and what’s new with you?

We recently finished recording our new album The Baader Meinhof Phenonmenon.  We worked with the mighty Joe Foster (former Creation Records) as co-producer.  This was a wonderful experience.  He came along to rehearsals prior to going into the studio and actively listened to each song, making suggestions along the way.  Finally, when we went into the studio to record, we had firm ideas of how our songs would sound.  The drums and bass and harmonium were all recorded at Substation in Rosyth (with Michael Brennan – who has worked with Super Furries, Mogwai, MBV etc); the keys and synths were recorded at Grant Tyrie’s post-production studio in Thornton, Fife and the vocals were recorded at Rec Studios on Pitillock Farm, near Freuchie in Fife.  One of the highlights of working with Joe Foster was having our drummer (Ian Anderson, who recently left) record one set of drum takes in the church roof.  The sound was incredible!!

6) When was the last time you played Edinburgh (and where)?  What do you remember about that experience?

Little Buddha last played in Edinburgh during the Edinburgh Festival.  We played for the BBC’s live broadcast of The Jazzhouse, down on Potterrow.  We had a brilliant time – so well looked after and the sound was impeccable!  And our entire set & interview went out live on BBC Radio Scotland – which was a very nice thought!

7) If you’ve played Limbo before, what did you like/rate about the experience?  If you’ve not played Limbo before, what have you heard about it?

Limbo’s reputation has always preceded each event.  We haven’t had a Limbo experience yet – this is our first.  We are all really looking forward to it, as each night always seems to be unforgettable – great music, esoteric visuals and well-organised/publicized.

8) What’s next, coming up after this gig, for you and what are you generally looking forward to right now…?

Our album, The Baader Meinhof Phenomenon will be out in March 2014.  A collection of 10 songs.  Songs about the fucked up world we live in, other worlds, love, sex and magic.

9) How do you feel about Scottish independence and the whole ‘Yes’ campaign? Have you decided which way you’re voting yet (and, if so, what’s your decision)?

Little Buddha are PRO independence.  Always have been, and always will be.
It’s time….

10) Is there anything else you feel strongly about that you’d like to tell us about right now?

Be kind to one another, boys and girls…. Namaste!


