Happy new year from Limbo! We hope you had as refreshing and rejuvenating a break at Christmas and Hogmanay as we did. It's been a whole month since the last Limbo and now we're back and absolutely raring to get stuck into 2009. We start the year with a pop pop POP flavoured double bill from Glasgow: the fantastically titled MY COUSIN I BID YOU FAREWELL are one of the most promising acts we've come across on myspace in a long time. Their debut single has got industry A&Rs salivating for more recordings and they have only played three gigs so far but this already includes a sold-out show at salubrious Glasgow night-spot Nice N Sleaazy's. THE BOYCOTTS are an equally energetic bunch, whose demo has been igniting our headphones like lightning over the last two weeks. This will be MCIBYF's Edinburgh debut but they're both gonna be ace so you've gotta come and see the both of them!
Perhaps best of all, and mindful of the credit crunch that's threatening to eat everybody's lunch, we're having a JANUARY SALE!
So, tickets for Limbo will be a paltry £3 until the end of the month. And don't forget the Limbo bar has bottles of beer for just two quid as well. BARGAIN! And, since all the live acts are always finished by 11.30pm, there's absolutely no risk of turning into a pumpkin if you have to turn up for work first thing on Friday morning!
Great review about Limbo's first year here:
Check out all of our photography here
REHEARSAL ROOMS: The Black Spring Rooms are still running and available for hire for only £9 / hour from 5pm until late. Get in touch now for more info: rooms@black-spring.com

My Cousin I Bid You Farewell are from Glasgow in Scotland and the invention of 24 year old Jonathan Sellar. Their debut live performance was at the BBC on the 5th of November 2008. Their second was a sold out show at Nice N Sleazy on November the 14th to launch their first single, Neverland. Their third appearance live was on the Big Stage in Glasgow's George Square as part of the Christmas Winterfest entertainment on Thursday the 11th of December. The band are currently recording in order to further the interest of various labels and they plan to start work on their debut LP sometime in 2009.
Debut single Neverland has some of the most infectious guitar riffs this side of Britpop and an anthemic feel courtesy of Sellar's distinctive vocals and skill for penning a neat set of lyrics. The anthemic feel is leant further weight by some rather huge, sweeping piano parts on B-side The Contented Hearts and it all ads up to an incredibly rousing whole, with a pop/rock sound that's completely untypical of bands from Glasgow. The other two tracks on their space are equally strong, leaving us feeling like we've just stumbled across an incredibly promising young talent.
My Cousin I Bid You Farewell have a strange, magnetic charm that makes us extremely excited indeed. Singer Jonathan Sellar has a voice that is unmistakably and uniquely his own, while his band's music sounds like a restrained Arcade Fire with some satisfying use of piano.' (The Pop Cop)

The Boycotts formed in the early months of 2008, played their first gig at the end of June and recorded their first demo at the beginning of September. Since then they have played Glasgow’s King Tuts, supported New York’s The Pains of Being Light at Heart and attracted scouts from Sony and Warner Brothers to recent gigs. 2009 promises to be an even better year with a mini tour and recording session at Chem19 currently in the pipeline.
There's a strong Nineties grunge vibe about The Boycotts. We're reminded of classic 4AD acts such as the Throwing Muses, the Pixies and the Breeders, thanks to the distorted electric guitars, fast riffs and singer Stina Twee's ballsy delivery, but there's also something fresh in this lot's box of tricks. Perhaps it's the youthful vitality that literally bursts out of the speakers as you listen to their demo. They've obviously got bucket-loads of energy coursing in their veins as they tear through these tunes. Oh yes, The Boycotts have got plenty for you to jump around to.
Impressive burst of guitar pop that comes in just over the magic three minute mark. Full of infectious energy and lively guitars, the track sees singer Stina Twee tell a tale of teenage romance.' (Daily Record on Luella And Lies)

Last week was actually LAST MONTH of course. Limbo Christmas came ten days early with a great double-headline-bill in the shape of Kid Canaveral and Come On Gang!, launching their split 7" single, I Don't Have The Heart For This / Start The Sound, plus supoprt act Super Adventure Club. It was a blast, especially as Radio 1's Vic Galloway and Fresh Air's Tallah Brash came and dropped a couple of fun-filled DJ sets for the crowd as well, pulling out all manner of party poppers.
Super Adventure Club are first on and there's no shortage of fans out in force to support them. They get a healthy response for the crowd that's gathered. Theirs is a weird and wonderful mix of prog and math rock, jazz and unusual lyrics delivered by singers Bruce and Mandy. There's a strong cabaret element to their myspace which isn't as pronounced when they perform live but they do bring a lot of energy to the stage as well as quite a lot of humour and they're a tight unit, all of which becomes particularly clear when they're caught in the throes of one of their custom-made, 'spazz-jazz' freakouts. It's impossible to categorise or pigeon-hole Super Adventure Club and this is definitely part of their charm but they're without a doubt one of the weirdest and most experimental acts we've had on the Limbo stage and more likely to divide the crowd than unite, which is always healthy in our book, but we're pretty contrary like that.
Come On Gang! are next on stage. This is the third time they've played Limbo this year and what a year it's been for them, having started 2008 as an unknown art school outfit, albeit with a rapidly swelling fanbase among critics and public alike, and finished it in the List Mazgazine's Hot 100. Start The Sound is the second recording Come On Gang! have released - their first single came out through Euphonios in the summer and was also launched at Limbo (check the website for the video we made) - and we're not expecting it to be their last by any stretch. Clealry enjoying the ride, they turn the heat all the way up once again this evening and get a resoudning cheer from the crowd, not to mention everyone dancing down the front. Between the elfin looks and angelic voice of Sarah (vox/drums), the cheeky Irish humour of Trev (bass) and equally mischievous, fun-loving attitude of Mikey (guitar), they've got a lot of character and charm by the bucket-load, which begets a killer dynamic when the trio is on stage. There really is nothing to dislike about Come On Gang!, so infectious is their pop-punk energy and affecting their bittersweet songs.
And so to Kid Canaveral, the architects of the DIY Straight To Video label releasing the new split 7" single. On a sad note, tonight's performance is drummer Dan's final gig after three years with the band. He's stepping aside to let them move on into 2009 with a new as yet unannounced band member. KC are one of the best live acts kicking around the Scottish indie music scene right now. Similar to Come On Gang!, they have a bittersweet quality, singing simple songs about simple things which are immediately affecting and lifted from the quagmire of mediocrity that besets so many indie bands keen to emulate some Eighties indie staple by Kid Canaveral's ear for a cracking melody. 'Are yous having a good night?' enquires singer David mid-set. 'This is brilliant.' And then they tear through (Couldn't Dance B-side) Teenage Fanclub. The rest of the set is just as immediate and brings to mind John Peel's classic Radio 1 live session of the Eighties. With three killer singles, Smash Hits, Couldn't Dance and Second Time Around, already behind them and a debut LP around the next corner, there's little stopping Kid Canaveral now and, fresh back from their UK tour to promote the latest one, they're clearly loving the experience too.
Best of luck to both bands with the current release and on all of their upcoming tour dates.
STV-004: "I Don't Have the Heart for This" by Kid Canaveral (SPLIT 7! b/w "Start the Sound" by Come On Gang!) on 7" vinyl with CD-R
Also from various good record stores (see bands' myspaces for details) priced £2.99 - includes a free CD-R copy of tracks.
Kid Canaveral, Come On Gang! and Super Adventure Club pictures by Louise Madsen.

We get a dose of the blues, invested with the spirit of a screaming banshee, some filthy, sexy garage rock n roll and a curious, new fruit-loving outfit, all of whom are guaranteed to strike a chord with anyone either tired of or uninterested in mainstream sounds. F*** the mainstream! (The Kings Of Leon are the new Eagles!) Let's rock!!
If you're on Facebook, tell us that you're coming along here.

A blues-rock three-piece who have been electrifying the Edinburgh swamp for some time, with unlikely front-woman Sara Sidewinder unleashing the devil in her (guitar/vox), backed by Andy Anaconda (lead guitar) and Mike Mamba (drums). It's all about their glorious live shows, as any one of their many fans will tell you.
Since the Snakes' last appearance at Limbo, they've written some new material, including a track featuring Andy Anaconda rocking a brand new slide guitar sound (courtesy of Santa) and had some rather unrestrained praise from no less an arbiter of yoof/pop culture than the NME. Andy's also been busy organising someone to film the band at this performance, so you can expect to take part (a starring role even - who knows where it might end up?!) in a Sara And The Snakes promo video if you come see this show.
F*** me, they were ace!' (NME - Andy assured me, somewhat incredulously on the phone that 'the NME really said that!' Yeah, it's a great quote)
...an unfettered piece of bone rattling voodoo swamp trash come to life. ****' (Neil Cooper, The List)
In her library girl specs and party frock, Sara Forshaw's butter-wouldn't-melt demeanour gives way to a voice bigger than PJ Harvey and twice as dirty in a three-piece distillation of raw, off-kilter and utterly beguiling 21st century blues. Greatness beckons.' (The List, Hot 100, Dec '07)
A friend recommended Conflict Diamonds to us again recently. We'd heard about the duo before as they've gigged quite a bit in Edinburgh in the past, but when we listened to their myspace we thought they sounded like a lot of fun and, oh look, there's a great interview with them in this month's Skinny, so we're clearly not the only ones who think they've got something vital going on. Theirs is basically a garage rock sound (think Iggy And the Stooges, The Sonics, MC5 etc), but they give it a twist with some speedy, metal riffs and do it all so very well they sound as tight as a nun's chastity belt. There's an unmistakably dirty, sexy rock n roll energy coming off Conflict Diamonds which is guaranteed to heat up the room.
NB The Conflict Diamonds are not a policitcal band, as they point out in their Skinny interview.
No unnecessary ad-hoc wankery for these chaps.' (The Skinny)

The Pineapple Chunks cite The Fall, Huey Lewis And The News, Stephen Malkmus, Deerhoof and The Beta Band as influences. Interesting mix. They forget to mention Syd Barrett, which is surprising as, lyrically at the very least, there seems to be something of a debt owed - perhaps it's a subconscious one - with their stream-of-counsciousness, surrealist flow. They're not that far away from early Floyd musically either. Anyway, it's an interesting sound and not without humour, as the hilariously miserable and quite epic I Left My Mojo In London Town exhibits on the chorus: 'Oh, and i lost my soul, I spent nine fucking years in that stinking hole.' Sure to strike a chord with a number of Limbo regulars, not to mention a lot of other folk who have little time for the Big Smoke, the Pineapple Chunks sound very British and refreshingly different from the mass. We look forward to seeing them debut at Limbo.
Come and hang out on Facebook here or say hi to us over here at MySpace
Don't forget you can take advantage of £2 bottles from any of the Voodoo Rooms' three bars by showing your Limbo wrist-band to the bartender.
The Black Spring Rooms: competitive prices, friendly service, easy access and no fuss for as little as £7 / hour; free parking on site + six bus routes to service it in Leith. More info here
Limbo takes place at The Voodoo Rooms, West Register Street, Edinburgh.
Times: 8.30pm - 1am *
First band 9.00, second band 9.45, third band 10.30
Entrance: £5/£4 *
Ph: 0131 556 7060 (venue) / 0131 477 6916 (promoter)
* except where otherwise advertised
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